If You And Your Boss Are Always Broke, Then Both Of You Need To Find Jobs

by Business Watch Team

There is an unwritten rule among entrepreneurs that “a boss should never be broke.” This doesn’t mean that a boss should always have money. Everyone becomes broke at some point. It is a rule of nature. Or call it the rule of the jungle. Bosses too become broke.

I am an entrepreneur. And being a Kenyan entrepreneur, being broke is the order of the day. In fact, I no longer get shocked when I walk around with empty pockets. I am not alone. But I never openly show that I am broke. Why? Because I am the boss.

As a boss and team leader, I have a team that depends on me. This team that looks up to me expects me, at the end of every month, pay them something called a salary that they would in turn use to pay for their bills and make ends meet for their families.

To this team, I am always their last hope. Their budget revolves around what I pay them. They plan to pay rent and other bills with what I pay them in mind. Now, as a person they depend on, I have to keep it that way, whether I have money or I am broke.

Once they learn that I am broke, and that some of them have more money than me, their boss, then their trust in me drops and that goes hand-in-hand with respect. Nobody respects a broke boss. Why should an employee respect you when you are always asking them to buy you a drink because you cannot afford?

Then there is a new rule among employees which sounds funny. “If you and your boss are always broke, then both of you need to find serious jobs.” Be a boss who does not show the weakness of being broke to your team. They will not respect you. Take this from me.

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