Kenya Now Has More National Blackouts Than National Holidays

by Business Watch Team

When Kenya is hit by a major blackout, virtually everything comes to a standstill. Yet we have normalized these blackouts so much that those responsible for them are never held accountable. It seems the country is so used to incompetence and corruption that nobody cares anymore.

Kenya has now been hit by two nationwide blackouts in a span of two weeks and things still move on like nothing happened. No statements from those in charge and nobody seems to care. The economy is feeling the pain and the brunt of these numerous blackouts.

Kenya Power is the sole distributor of electricity in Kenya. KPLC, as it is commonly known, is so powerful that when it charge higher fees for power tokens, Kenyans have no otherwise but to pay. Even with the higher pay, the company still offer terrible services.

Perhaps Kenya Power and Lighting Company, which obviously needs to change its name to “Blackouts” does not know how crucial and important it is for Kenya and the economy as a whole.

About 99.7 percent of businesses that need electricity in Kenya depend on Kenya Power and Lighting Company. This means  that in the event of a blackout, these businesses are left hopeless with nowhere to turn to. They have to sit and wait, hopping that Kenya Power will remember them.

With a blackout that lasts for hours, businesses have often recorded massive losses with those who own butcheries and freezers without an alternative source of power have to throw away their rotting stock. Nobody ever talks about them or compensates them.

What is more, businesses the resort to using generators as they wait for Kenya Power to remember their work, end up spending huge amounts of money that cannot be recovered from the said business. They just do so keep their customers around.

Related Content: Why It Is Ridiculous For Kenya Power To Make Massive Losses

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