Safaricom Customers To Now Buy Airtime Worth Ksh 1

by Business Watch Team

Safaricom Customers will now be able to purchase airtime via M-Pesa from as low as 1 shilling in a move that the giant telco hopes to use to get more revenue from Kenyans. Initially, the least amount one could purchase in the form of airtime via M-Pesa was 5 shillings.

The announcement has excited a section of the market with many asking what 1 shilling can do in terms of making calls. Some have welcomed the move saying that the one-shilling airtime is enough to get someone out of a situation or an emergency.

The new offer from Safaricom comes barely two months after the company limited the number of reverse calls someone can make within a day.

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Kenyans who had taken advantage of the reverse calls offered by Safaricom so that they could never use their money to make calls were taken aback after the giant telecommunications company announced that it would start charging those who use the service.

Reverse call is a Safaricom service that allows the user who has no credit to make a call but the rates are catered for by the receiver. The service had become popular with at least 2 million Kenyans using the service. Many termed the service as a nuisance to the receiver.

Safaricom has now limited the number of reverse calls to two per user. Anyone who wishes to make a reverse call after the two will be charged 0.50 shillings per call. Many Safaricom users have welcomed the move saying “It was about time the telco rained on those who had made it a habit never to make calls.”

Related Content: Safaricom To Start Charging For Reverse Calls

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