The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has established specific academic and professional requirements for teacher registration, aligned with the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) system
These requirements are designed to ensure that teachers are adequately prepared to deliver quality education under the CBC system
According to the new guidelines, persons with a Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE) must have a C plain in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) and a certificate in DECTE. While candidates with a disability must have scored a C- (minus).
Those with a Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) must produce the certificate, and score a C in KCSE, a D in Mathematics, and a C- in English. Candidates with disabilities must have a C- in KCSE.
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Additionally, candidates with a Diploma in Secondary Teacher Education (DSTE) will be required to produce the certificate during registration and must have scored C in KCSE, C+ in two teaching subjects, C in English, Kiswahili/Kenya sign Language and Mathematics.
Candidates with disabilities must have scored a C in KCSE, C in two teaching subjects, and C- in English, Kiswahili/Kenya Sign Language, and Mathematics.
Candidates with a diploma in Technical Teacher Education (DTTE) will need a C in KCSE, a C+ in related two STEM technical teaching subjects, and a diploma in General Technical subjects that are offered at junior and senior school levels.
Those who have pursued a Bachelor in Education or a Bachelor of Arts with Education will need the said degree, C+ in KCSE C+ in two teaching subjects, C in English and D+ in Mathematics.
Other candidates who undertake a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science will require a C+ or above in KCSE, a C+ in two teaching subjects, and a postgraduate diploma in Education. Candidates with a Diploma in Adult and Continuing Teacher Education will need the certificate, C plain and above in KCSE, and C- for learners with special needs.
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